The City of Love

Paris,France is the first place I have ever traveled to in Europe. The first time I visited Paris I was 13 years old. I was pretty young at the time but the beauty, wonder and romance of the city made a lasting impression on me. This city will always be one of my favorite cities in the world and even though I am 20 years old now and it is my second time visiting Paris, I still feel the same feelings of amazement and awe!


My first full day in Paris we visited Disneyland Paris! I had been looking forward to this visit for so long. Since I work at the Disneyland in California, it was nice to feel at home for a little bit! Although the two Disneyland’s are very different, Disneyland Paris is beautiful and has so much to offer.





The Catacombs in Paris is truly a unique experience. Learning about the history of the catacombs and the fact that there are more than 6 million bodies in the catacombs is interesting and creepy at the same time! (You can tell I’m a little freaked out).


The Eiffel Tower will forever be my favorite part of Paris. It will literally take your breath away. When I stood in front of the Eiffel Tower for the first time at 13 years old I was speechless, and when I did it again this time I was also speechless. This structure is beautiful because of its grandness but at the same time, because of its simplicity. I can’t really describe how it feels to see it in person… so I hope you will all have a chance to see it for yourselves!

My second night in Paris I was lucky enough to stay in a hotel that had this view! I know it is only the top of the Eiffel Tower but it is still something! I was in heaven!


The last time I went to Paris I visited this little tea house called, ” Le Loir Dans La Theiere”, which means “The door mouse in the teapot”. This tea house is so cute and it is “Alice in Wonderland” themed. When I went back home after my first trip to Paris I would crave the lemon meringue pie and vanilla tea from here, so I knew I had to make a visit while I was in Paris again. It was just as amazing as I remembered!


The best thing to see in Paris is this right here!!! Every night starting at 9:00 pm the Eiffel Tower will light up and sparkle for five minutes! It sparkles for exactly five minutes so you have to make sure to take it all in for those five minutes, but don’t worry it will sparkle again on the hour for the next couple of hours for five minutes again. If you thought the Eiffel Tower was breathtaking during the day, just wait until it sparkles at night…now that is something!

“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty and in the point of life.” Thomas Jefferson obviously knew what he was talking about. Paris is a place to open your eyes to new things, open your mind to learning about the history and culture, and also opening your heart to love, which could also be considered the point of life. Did you know it is possible to fall in love with a place?

I did … I fell in love with Paris.


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